What is the School of The Land?

The School of the Land is a house of learning dedicated to the study of the Covenant, a sacred promise of enduring spiritual guidance for humanity. Our curriculum explores the importance of faith in this promise as a foundation for understanding how humanity arrived at its current circumstances, and where we’re headed.

Many people believe that the true measure of faith is a willingness to accept the irrational. In our opinion, this is the wrong approach to faith. We believe that faith based in reason and a knowledge of the Covenant, is the strongest kind of faith.

This is not to suggest that we are slaves to a 19th century mechanistic model of the cosmos, or a 20th century nihilism. We ourselves have experienced “signs and wonders,” and while they have been helpful waypoints on our personal journeys, they are not the foundation of our faith.

Who is behind it?

We are disciples of a prophesied great educator, a man whose mission it was to firmly re-establish the Covenant after it was uprooted. We have heard the message contained herein, and have answered the call to teach it to the world. The content of this course does not represent the opinions or official positions of any other individuals or organizations.

Why is this important?

Widespread ignorance of the Covenant, allowing for its distortion and exploitation by religious and secular leaders, is currently giving rise to the most dangerous geopolitical situation the world has ever known. 

The absence of spiritual wisdom as a guiding force within human affairs is leading us off a cliff. The corruption in human hearts permeates human institutions, and the corruption of human institutions permeates human hearts. A deep understanding of the Covenant serves as a protection against this corruption.

Through this curriculum, you will learn of the ancient plan progressively revealed to humanity for a world civilization founded upon principles such as justice with mercy, freedom with responsibility, unity in diversity, individual rights balanced with the common good, and local self-governance under a universal, divinely appointed framework. This plan is guaranteed victory in the fullness of time, and you can choose to participate in its establishment in the world. 

Who is this for?

This course is, first and foremost, for those who are interested in spiritual growth, both individually and collectively. We believe that a sound education into the Covenant allows us to get at the root causes of the world’s ills so that proper remedies may be applied.

Receiving such an education requires students to put aside preconceived ideas, and to open their hearts and minds to new perspectives. 

We assume that the primary audience will have a western background. This message came to the United States first, but is intended for all peoples and nations. It will be up to future teachers to bring it to the rest of the world. 

What can you expect?

  • We have structured the course to methodically build up a knowledge of the Covenant in the student.

  • The course is designed to be intellectually accessible to most adults. While it will require some patience and commitment, we’ve presented the curriculum in a modular style online course format so that it can be completed at the student's own pace.

  • We received this education for free and, in turn, we offer it at the same price, no strings attached.