Course curriculum
This foundational course explores the history of the Covenant in order to understand how we got to where we are today, as well as the prophesied future of the Covenant in order to understand where we’re headed.
The Importance of Meaning (11 minutes)
The Kingdoms of Creation (6 minutes)
The Self-Subsisting Creator (8 minutes)
The Destiny of the Human Soul (7 minutes)
The Covenant and the Manifestations of God (9 minutes)
A Perspective on Ancient Scriptures (7 minutes)
Promised One of the Jews (5 minutes)
The Meaning of “Christ” (7 minutes)
The Golden Criteria for Jesus the Christ (15 minutes)
A Detour into the Garden of Eden (12 minutes)
The Recovery of Faithfulness (11 minutes)
Some Christian Topics, Part 1 (6 minutes)
Some Christian Topics, Part 2 (10 minutes)
Some Christian Topics, Part 3 (15 minutes)
The Gate and The Glory: Name (7 minutes)
Daniel’s Prophetic Timelines: Date (12 minutes)
By Way of the East: Address (9 minutes)
The Reigning Messiah: Mission (8 minutes)
The Branch (3 minutes)
An Ancient Royal Lineage (7 minutes)
The Promise (8 minutes)
Origin Story (10 minutes)
The Baha’i Covenant (7 minutes)
Recent Baha’i History (6 minutes)
Wood + Iron = Gold (12 minutes)
Guardian of the Cause of God (8 minutes)
The Violation of the Hands (8 minutes)
“The Seventh Angel is a Man” (9 minutes)
The Violation of the Hands and the Guardianship of Mason Remey (8 minutes)
The Mountains (6 minutes)
The Dirty Jacket (6 minutes)
The Stone with Seven Eyes (10 minutes)
The Golden Criteria (13 minutes)
The Church of the Firstborn (7 minutes)

About this course
- Free
- 34 lessons
- No time limit
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We wanted to make the student experience as user friendly as possible for modern online learners. By creating an account, you can track your progress and complete the curriculum at your own pace.
Does it cost anything to enroll?
We received this education for free and, in turn, we offer it at the same price: no strings attached.
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