The Days of Fulfillment

As foretold in ancient texts, the Kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven” is a world-encompassing civilization founded upon spiritual principles. We are moving into an age in which peace and justice will reign, and corruption will be vanquished. The earth is destined to become a sublime paradise.

This may strike you as utopian, but it’s not really. The spiritual path must be walked with practical feet. The shift from our current world to the realization of this vision will not be a matter of magic, or wishful thinking. Although destined to become a reality, it will still require much labor by many devoted servants.

This kind of transformation of the human condition requires a plan for the spiritual advancement of both individuals and institutions. It is our claim that this plan has been progressively revealed to humanity, and that its final culmination was revealed over a hundred years ago by the return of Christ. So then the question arises: Why is the world still in chaos if Christ has already returned? And doesn’t the return of Christ come with a lot of trumpets blasting and dead people coming out of their graves??

The Plan is Rejected

The world is a mess. We all know that. But it never had to get this bad. Perpetual war, potential nuclear catastrophe, environmental collapse, wide-spread and chronic physical and mental illness, rampant addiction, staggering disparities in wealth, deep-rooted prejudices, criminality at all levels of society, creeping technocratic tyranny, a violent and degenerate dominant culture: all these woes are ultimately traceable to the rejection of the revealed plan for a just and peaceful civilization.

The history of the world is a repeating pattern of the rejection of this plan by insincere souls. Today is no different. As will be explained, those most recently entrusted with the plan made the same foolhardy error, believing they could replace it with a plan of their own.

The Remedy is Established

If we continue on this reckless trajectory, the future will be bleak. Only the most willfully blind among us would assert at this point that the horrors depicted in apocalyptic prophecies are merely wild fantasies of the religious imagination, as opposed to what they actually are: warnings to humanity about the consequences of mass moral failure. 

The information you will find in this website is the remedy for this collective failure. It’s the Gospel 2.0 - explained to a contemporary audience of free thinkers at the close of one age and the dawn of the next. 

We expect that this will challenge your preconceived ideas about why the world is the way it is, and we welcome your curiosity and skepticism. It is our hope that you’ll keep an open heart and mind, and be willing to investigate the truth for yourself.

And, by the way, all those blasting trumpets and dead men walking are misunderstood metaphors used to cloud people’s understanding. We’ll clear all that up too.

Many are called. Few choose to listen.

Will you?